<aside> 💡 welcome to my web3 resource list. updated when i’m able to, as the space moves too quickly!


Inspired by Gaby Golberg's Web3 reading list to curate my own set of lists for everything related to web3 & crypto to learn as much as possible without a technical background

Check out Note to Self where I will be jotting down notes & thoughts, daily.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kennethchongeth - working on some web3 gaming threads

Medium: https://medium.com/@kennethchong.eth - extended versions of what I tweet out


Note to Self

Crypto, NFTs, DAOs & Web3 + Metaverse Reading List

Crypto Podcasts

YouTube Crypto Channels & Videos

Web3 News & Newsletters

Brands Getting into NFTs & the Metaverse

Crypto Wallets

Interesting White Papers & ETC Docs from NFT Projects

NFT Marketplaces & Tools

Interesting NFT Games


Who to follow on Twitter?

Where to buy crypto?